Sunday, May 16, 2010

"All you hope for is good weather everyday. Not even the fucking lottery can give you that" -J.M.

Aaaaahhhhhh...finally. Some decent weather on the westside.
Three strong we headed to our old stomping grounds, The Exits. It was going to be a multi-destinational climbing day so we had to be efficient.
WARNING- do not park just outside of the gates of the spill over parking lot at Little si. Heed the sign that says you will be towed. (of course, I wasn't towed, but a $20 ticket is enough to make me never park there again)
It was cluster fuck 2010 at the parking lot, but less congested than I had thought it was going to be on the trail. The whole way up we tossed our dread back and forth about how slammed World Wall would be only to find an empty crag upon our arrival. The walls were still bathing in the sun but we got to it anyway. Devil's Advocate, Rainy Day, Psychosomatic(almost for both Dom and I), and then the SEND! Laura stepped up to bat and after rehearsing the moves on TR, fired off a perfect lead of Psychowussy. Congrats!! Her first lead on the 'real' World Wall and probably her hardest(?), by my standards anyway. (Side note: she also sent Rainy Day with one hang on TR) Dom sailed up Bust The Move and I fiddled around on Psychosomatic again to try and gauge where the hell my endurance has gone. I think the chair in my cubicle is slowly sucking it out of my ass. The whole time we were there only two other groups showed up! Weird? Where is everyone?
We decided to cut out after our success and headed up the road to Exit 38 and Neverland. We climbed 5 more routes here all 5.10's and enjoyed the rest of our day in the shade.

Dom takes a relaxed approach to belaying Laura up Rainy Day.

Dom on Psychowussy with Bret Johnston about to fire up Technorigine.

Dom in the middle of Psychosoamtic


Dom enjoys some jugs on TicToc(5.10b) at Neverland.

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