Friday, May 14, 2010

Celebration in Vantage

Excuse the lateness of this post. I know my five readers...wait, FIVE?! YES! People actually read my blog? Crazy...
Anyway, I know my five readers have all been foaming at the mouth awaiting my illustrious literary sculpting. So here it goes.
Last weekend was a celebration of my good friends 25th year around the sun. We spent her birthday IN the sun, for the most part, playing on the basalt walls of Vantage. We spent the whole weekend sport climbing at the lower tier wall which, by the way, is nothing like the basalt columns on the upper tier. In fact, this wall stretches for miles and holds some of the funnest routes I have done. Grades are all over the place from 5.6 to 5.12d! Mostly in the mid .10's to mid .11's though. Our entourage was made up of Melody, Dom, Laura (the b-day girl), and late Saturday night we were joined by more friends Ian, Sierra, Sara, and Justin. It was a grand ole' time! Sippin' whiskey from the bottle and not thinkin' bout tomorrow! Vantage inspires that kind of southwest, down-to-earth, simplistic view of life. Hell, rock climbing in many places around Washington does.
The highlights of the trip for me was being inspired in a place I used to not really like. Falling on routes I probably should have been able to do. And burning the fuck out of my calves. Good times!!
Here are some pictures of noone climbing:

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