Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sounds of nature

Gradient  freestyle2 in volo alla Raticosa

The 14 Most Beautiful Mountains in the World

This is a start.  There are lots of others that bear consideration




Please visit my website


This is the final and biggest chapter of this amazing collection about vintage fashion: My Freedamn ! It includes lots of great New Wave & Hardcore Punk fashions from the late 1970's to mid 1980's, Sports and Street fashion from brands such as Nike, Vision, Vans, etc... And early Hip Hop fashions. Everything that today's trendy youth who'd die for! Rin Tanaka proves once more he's the master for selecting vintage fashion worldwide, a future classic! Buy your own copy at Colette.

Ordeal (1973)

Although its content couldn’t be simpler—a cuckolded husband gets abandoned in the desert by his wife and her lover, and the husband’s lust for revenge compels him to survive—Ordeal has a sweaty intensity that makes it a bit more charged than the average early-’70s telefilm. It’s also unrelentingly dark, since each character in the picture is an awful human being, so the movie’s morality is enjoyably gray. And if the piece sputters to a halt with the kind of unsatisfying non-ending that plagued many small-screen movies in the ’70s, so be it—a five-minute letdown shouldn’t completely erase 85 minutes of solid buildup. Arthur Hill, the veteran stage actor whose big-screen credits include The Andromeda Strain (1971), stars as Richard Damian, a domineering son of a bitch whose callous ways have sucked the life out of his marriage to the icily beautiful Kay (Diana Muldaur). One day, Richard and Kay head out for a desert getaway with greasy local Andy Folsom (James Stacy) as their guide, even though Richard really considers Kay excess baggage during his various macho adventures. Turns out Kay has seduced Andy, so when an “accident” leaves Richard stranded on a high cliff, Kay and her lover flee with no intention of sending help. Thereafter, the movie enters a long and surprisingly compelling sequence of Richard trying to withstand dehydration, exhaustion, exposure, and the various ailments stemming from a leg injury. Director Lee H. Katzin comes up with several enterprising camera setups to keep things visually interesting, and his focus on Richard’s desire for payback ensures the movie is consistently tense. Meanwhile, cutaways from Richard’s travails to scenes of Andy and Kay reveal the disintegration of their tenuous bond. Even without a potent climax, Ordeal is an edgy exploration of the ways people abuse each other.

Ordeal: FUNKY

We're packing Olive up!

We're packing up and gettin' outta here! Don't worry...we're not going far! 
We will be at the Osborne Street Festival today as well as Sunday July 1 for Canada Day with our trailer, Olive! It's our first event of the Summer and we could not be more excited! She's all cleaned up and ready to go! We have been saving tonnes of cute dresses, tops & bottoms as well as lots of fun accessories specifically for our first event so come on down and say hello! 
We will be there from 11am-11pm on Saturday and Sunday, parked across the street from Urban Waves! Hope to see you there!

Online Bibliographical Guide for Islamic Philosophy and Theology

Brief Bibliographical Guide for Islamic Philosophy and Theology
by Thérèse-Anne Druart
A Brief Bibliographical Guide in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology 2010 - 2011
A Brief Bibliographical Guide in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology 2009 - 2010
A Brief Bibliographical Guide in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology 2008 - 2009
A Brief Bibliographical Guide in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology 2007 - 2008
A Brief Bibliographical Guide in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology 2006 - 2007
A Brief Bibliographical Guide in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology 2004 - 2006
A Brief Bibliographical Guide in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology 2002 - 2004
A Brief Bibliographical Guide in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology 1998 - 2002

Averroes Long Commentary on the Metaphysics On Line

Averroes Long Commentary on the Metaphysics On Line

Friday, June 29, 2012

Speedriding Tailgate Alaska 2012

Speedriding Tailgate Alaska 2012 from Pryce Brown on Vimeo.


Tommy Ton shoots the man in blue for GQ. It's nice to see that you can be very stylish with just a little color. Call it "Sprezzatura Azzurri"

Friday Favorites.

It's time for another random batch of things we've been loving lately...
The most perfect shorts in every way, from Romwe.

The happiest type we ever did see!

We saw this vintage photo from of the Blue Mist Resort Motel over on the Modcloth blog, and are still picking our jaws up off the floor! Go check out the rest of them here!

Love the pastel colors and the peplums by G.V.G.V

This dress is perfection! Available soon at Modcloth.

Also from Modcloth, this insanely cute raccoon purse!! I already have the fox one, but this is even cuter!

Happy Friday friends!

Le Mans (1971)

          Virtually an experimental film despite its big budget and marquee star, Le Mans is actor Steve McQueen’s most ardent cinematic love letter to auto racing. Although fast-moving cars played important roles in previous McQueen flicks, notably Bullitt(1968), vehicles are more important to Le Mans than actors, including McQueen himself. Shot on location during the 1970 edition of the grueling 24 Hours of Le Mans road race, the picture has very little characterization, dialogue, or plot. Instead, it’s an impressionistic assembly of exciting footage that plays out like a blend of documentary and European art film.
          We eventually grasp the major threads of the piece, particularly the psychological damage that stoic American driver Michael Delaney (McQueen) suffered after his involvement in a crash at the previous year’s race. We also get glimpses of Delaney’s strained relationships with other drivers and the women who form an emotional constellation around the racetrack. Yet these supporting characters, played by minor European actors, all fade into the background—McQueen’s star power ensures that his is the only personality to emerge from the noise.
          Still, it’s possible that no degree of character definition would have made this piece more distinctive, since there’s a long tradition of auto-racing movies in which actors are overwhelmed by the sturm und drang of their roaring engines. Plus, it’s so clear in every frame of this picture that McQueen gets off on the mechanics of auto racing that it seems likely he got this picture made for his own satisfaction, with the idea of entertaining anyone but hardcore racing fans a secondary consideration. Thus, Le Mans is impressive but soulless.
          Some of the racing footage is undeniably exciting, showing low-riding speed machines blasting around French streets in dangerous conditions like darkness and inclement weather, so it’s impossible not to react viscerally while waiting for the inevitable catastrophes. (The movie’s crash scenes are compelling, with finely tuned vehicles crumbling to scrap given their speeds at the moment of impact.) Furthermore, director Lee H. Katzin’s team employs some truly extraordinary editing, using devices like audio dropouts and jump cuts to maximize the drama of key moments within races, and composer Michel Legrand’s jazzy, Golden Globe-nominated score turns some sequences into the equivalent of slick music videos. However, one longs for a greater sense of the men behind the wheel and the women who love them.

Le Mans: FUNKY

Climbing News Websites + Facebook Timeline Pictrs

This is a new page of updated personel websites on Summitpost plus my Facebook images to date   Page 130

High Sierra
Nanga Parbat - Mizeno Ridge

N Cascades -- rhyang -- California -- Cy K -- California -- Updated -- Marek Ragonowicz -- Poland -- New Route in Baffin Island -- Marek (Regan) Ragonowicz -- Mazeno Ridge on Nanga Parbat -- The Allen brothers of the UK and Cathy O Dowd -- PellucidWombat -- California
Last edited by Cy Kaicener on Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Cy Kaicener
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Re: Personal Websites

Postby Cy Kaicener » Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:35 pm -- IoanTataru -- Romania -- New Member -- akaJAM -- Wyoming -- New Member -- Some good videos -- Charlie Boscoe -- UK and France -- Updated on Aiguille du Grepon -- Steph Abegg -- Washington -- Steph Abegg -- Washington -- David Lama solos Les Barberes -- seano -- Updated in the Tetons -- Challenger in the Northern Cascades -- Great Pictures -- Andy Houseman and Nick Bullock -- UK -- Denali - Slovak Direct Route -- Cool VIDEO

My Facebook Album - All pictures to date!/media/set/?set=a.133346733467019.26061.100003750783584&type=3

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Health Check Machine

At the hospital I work, there is a machine in the main foyer which gives one an instant health check. It measures your weight and height and then calculates your body mass. It also takes your pulse and asks you how much fluid you drink in order to work out your hydration levels.

I notice that some people take their shoes off before using it, while other people keep their shoes on. There is no sign to indicate what one is supposed to do, but I would have thought one's shoes would affect the weight it registers.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

PPG for Morons: Paramoteur WARS

La Sfida.


Thanks to the team of Dolbeau I received my Fast Eddie tie in time for the Bread & Butter, Berlin.

Eddie Akau was Hawaii’s pioneer of big wave surfing. Now I'am a fearless pioneer of the next big wave in neckwear: flat tipped, Hawaiian print goodness.

Prints, especially Hawaiian prints, are very big this summer. You know those loud Hawaiian shirts favoured by oversized, buffet-crushing, middle-American cruise ship passengers? These ties are not for them. They’re for you. Think less “Tommy Bahama” and more “Thomas Magnum, P.I.” Prints of luau girls, outrigger boats, hibiscus flowers - square-bottomed and printed by a renowned Japanese print company, Dolbeau’s Hawaiian print ties are a perfect complement to your summery, casual getup. Actually if anyone  should ask where you found your Hawaiian print tie, you could certainly give us a shout-out, but you could also tell them you won a swath of Magnum P.I.’s shirt in an arm-wrestling contest. It would make a great story, and that Magnum needs to be cut down a few notches anyway.

I shameless copied the text from the Dolbeau site, because I couldn't agree more ;-)

She's baaaaaack.

Look who's out of hibernation!
On Sunday we got our trailer pulled into the city from Blumenort where it spent the Winter at my in-laws! You could see her coming down the street, in all of her orange and white glory, from a mile away!

The first thing we did was take absolutely everything out of the trailer and deal with last years' mess. It seemed as though we got a little lazy after our last festival, and there was lots of random debris.

We gave her a really good wipe down seeing as how there was a solid layer of dust & dirt all over her!

We opened up all of the windows to air her out.

We cleaned out the little cubby, and made a list of everything we needed to bring/buy/fix.

Last but not least we loaded her back up after everything was spotless inside! 

We're getting ready to pull her  to our first event of the season-The Osborne Street Fest on June 30 & July 1! We'll be parked in front of Urban Waves from 11-11 both days! Come and visit if you're in the area!

Check out our Facebook page for more info on the festival.

Toomorrow (1970)

          There’s a reason wholesome Aussie thrush Olivia Newton-John seemed so comfortable on camera in her first major American movie, the blockbuster musical Grease (1978). Unbeknownst to stateside audiences, she’d been acting in English movies and TV shows for several years, following her debut performance in the obscure Australian picture Funny Things Happen Down Under (1965). The most noteworthy of Newton-John’s pre-Grease credits is Toomorrow, a bizarre hodgepodge of music and sci-fi that has a small but cultish fan base.
         Playing the movie’s female lead, Newton-John displays every aspect of her G-rated appeal, singing and go-go dancing through her performance as a girl-next-door coed who performs in a band called Toomorrow while wearing a succession of miniskirts and short-shorts. Blonde, ebullient, and smiling, she’s a vision of virginal sexiness, whether she’s delivering unfunny one-liners, playing vacuous music, or simply hanging out with the aliens who abduct Toomorrow. Yeah, aliens.
          Written and directed by Val Guest, a UK fantasy-cinema veteran whose credits include The Quatermass Xperiment(1955), Tomorrow begins in outer space. Against a backdrop of trippy incidental music, a glowing spacecraft hurtles toward Earth and fetches the human-looking John Williams (Roy Dotrice) from his English estate by way of a glowing transporter beam. Once aboard the starship, John strips off his human shell to reveal that he’s a blue-skinned, slit-eyed alien, and that he’s the “Earth observer” tasked with identifying interesting developments by the human race. According to him, there haven’t been any—but then he’s told by fellow aliens that a new rock group, Toomorrow, has invented musical vibrations deemed crucial to the survival of the alien race.
          John resumes his human guise and woos the band by pretending to be a musical impresario. The band members, who are students at the London College of Arts, also get embroiled in a murky subplot involving campus protests. Guest vamps through several dull scenes of Toomorrow making lighthearted mischief (a wan riff on the Beatles’ signature tomfoolery), before the plot gets going. In a typical scene, drummer Benny (Benny Thomas) asks a lunchroom full of students if they mind listening to a rehearsal by calling out, “Hey, any of you cats mind a groove?” Naturally, they don’t, so the tacky lip-synching commences, since every number Toomorrow performs is a perfect studio production.
          The best tunes have some kick, although the band’s musical bag is a totally squaresville vibe that recalls vanilla pop groups like the Association, and the music is ultimately the least interesting element of the movie. More arresting are the sci-fi bits, like the scene in which the band members get tossed around a spaceship in slow motion while regressing back and forth to their childhood selves. And then there’s the sex. Guest indulges his randy side with lots of peekaboo glimpses at buxom supporting players. For instance, outrageously curvy British starlet Margaret Nolan appears as Johnson, an alien masquerading as an earth girl in order to seduce band member Vic (Vic Cooper), the band’s resident tomcat.
          How all this is supposed to add up is a mystery. The musical numbers get overshadowed by narrative nonsense, the sci-fi content is too geeky for casual viewers, and the smut feels out of character with the rest of the movie. Therefore, the amazing thing about Toomorrow is that it exists—did the producers even readGuest’s script? It’s no wonder Newton-John distanced herself from this strange flick, and it’s no wonder Toomorrow has yet to receive proper worldwide distribution. According to Wikipedia, the movie played for just one week in London during 1970, and then sat on a shelf (excepting bootleg copies) until receiving a UK-only DVD release in 2011.

Toomorrow: FREAKY

A collaborative project between the main libraries of East Jerusalem A collaborative project between the main libraries of East Jerusalem The First Virtual Library of Collections of Arabic Manuscripts in Jerusalem

Developed within the framework of project Manumed, financed by the European Union and the region Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur, "The Arabic Manuscripts Digital Library of Jerusalem" aims to promote the written heritage of East Jerusalem and to make this heritage accessible to all with the sole caveat of an internet connection. It relies on the latest technology to provide access which is simple, multimedia and multilingual.

Al-Quds Manuscripts

The manuscripts of the Aga Khan Museum (AKM)

The Aga Khan Museum, which is under construction in Toronto, Canada,  includes an important manuscript collection (over 70 manuscripts) and several hundred folios with miniature paintings.
The manuscripts (Qur'an, religious commentary,  books of science, philosophy , and literature (including some famous Shahnameh) have been scanned (digitized) and are avalaible on this website.

Aga Khan Museum

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Decollo dal Castello di Dani Martinez.

Summer fun in the kitchen!

I don't know about you guys but as soon as summer rolls around all I feel like doing is cooking! There is something about the smell of fresh herbs mixed with a warm breeze blowing through my kitchen window that I just find so inspiring! Erin and I both spend quite a bit of time browsing through various food blogs and have both stumbled upon a few recipes that we have book marked and put on our "must make" list for this summer. Here are a few yummy dishes that we can't wait to sink our teeth into (literally):

Fresh mussels are one of my favorite treats and I have made them several times in the past but I would really like to start making them more regularly this summer! This recipe for Mussels Saganaki (mussels with tomato, feta, white wine and peppers) looks absolutely delicious!

This Veggie Burger Recipe looks like one of the most scrumptious I have ever seen! I mean, how can you say no to a patty made of crimini mushrooms and brown rice topped off with goat cheese, green onions and fig aioli? Mmm... I cannot wait to make this recipe!

I am the hugest sucker for cheese, especially brie, so this simple side dish of Baked Brie with Rosemary, Honey and Walnuts has me drooling. (I'm especially a fan of the idea of being able to use my fresh rosemary from my herb garden!)

This looks like the perfect summer appetizer: Peppered Figs with Fresh Mint and Crumbled Goat Cheese. Simply delicious.

When we were in Bali I had the most amazing gorgonzola gnocchi, in fact I liked it so much that later on in the trip we went back to the same restaurant and I ordered it again! Ever since then I have been dying to try to make my own gnocchi from scratch and this recipe for Potato Gnocchi with Gorgonzola looks pretty darn good.

I love quinoa salads, but this Quinoa Salad with Watermelon, Basil and Feta takes it to a whole new level! It just looks so light and refreshing! I can't wait to serve this at my next backyard BBQ.

So... are you hungry yet?
XO, Stef