Friday, June 22, 2012

Things we love about Summer.

Hands down summer is our favorite season of the year, which is probably because 70% of the year we have chilly/cold weather here in Winnipeg so when the snow actually does melt and the rain finally does stop we are ready to just sit back and savor those precious warm and sunny days. Now that summer is officially upon us, we made a little list of a few things that we are most looking forward to:

1. Hosting outdoor wine and cheese parties.

2. Going berry picking and then baking pies from our fresh picked berries.

3. Being able to wear pretty sundresses and not having to worry about layering it with cardigans and tights.

4. Having backyard bbq's with our close friends and family.

5. Going camping and going to the beach... or both at the same time.

6. Drive-in movie dates with plenty of popcorn.

What about you, what is your favorite thing about summer?!

Hope you all have lovely weather this weekend!

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