Monday, June 11, 2012

Open Access Journal: Journal of Al-Tamaddun

 Journal of Al-Tamaddun
Jurnal Al-Tamaddun adalah jurnal akademik antarabangsa diterbitkan dua kali setahun bermula 2012 (bulan Jun dan Disember) oleh Jabatan Sejarah Dan Tamadun Islam, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Ia adalah jurnal terujuk dan akses terbuka. Jurnal ini mengandungi artikel dan kajian ilmiah meliputi bidang sejarah, Tamadun, pemikiran, sistem dan aspek pembangunan dari perspektif Islam menggunakan bahasa Melayu, Inggeris dan Arab. Ia di index oleh Index Islamicus, EBSCOhost, UlrichsWeb, Open J-Gate, DOAJ, Malaysian Citation Index (MyCITE) dan Malaysian Abstracting and Indexing System (MyAIS) serta secara tidak lansung oleh Google Scholar.

Journal of Al-Tamaddun is an international refereed academic journal published biannually from 2012 onward (in June and December) by the Department of Islamic History And Civilization, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. It is a peer review and open access journal. It publishes articles and research papers pertaining history, civilization, thought, system and development from Islamic perspective in Malay, English and Arabic. The Journal is indexed by Index Islamicus, EBSCOhost, UlrichsWeb, Open J-Gate, DOAJ, Malaysian Citation Index (MyCITE) and Malaysian Abstracting and Indexing System (MyAIS), and subsequently by Google Scholar.
Current Issue 
Past Issues

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