Saturday, March 31, 2012

Guest post by Sophie of Her Library Adventures!

Hi Oh So Lovely Vintage readers, it’s Sophie here from Her Library Adventures.  I’m so delighted that Stef and Erin have invited me over today to share with you a little vintage inspired DIY I put together to jazz up some plain coasters for your next dinner party! Here’s how I made them..
What You’ll Need:  2 to 4 round coasters (I found these at my local K-Mart) and an vintage image or icon you would like to trace onto your coaster.  I chose this lovely retro flower motif from a vintage placemat I recently thrifted.  You will also need, white acrylic paint, a paint brush, permanent markers in a variety of colours,  Mod Podge, a piece of tracing paper, a pencil and an eraser.

Step 1 & 2: Paint a thin layer of white paint on each coaster and then set them aside to dry.   Once they are dry, add one to two more layers so they are well covered. Again set aside to dry.

While the coasters are drying, you can set to work on creating a stencil for your image.  Feel free to draw something free hand but this works well if you would like a specific image. 

Step 3. Trace around the desired image onto the tracing paper.
Step 4. Once you have traced around the image, flip it over and gently rub the pencil on the back leaving a fine lead film (this will create the imprint for your drawing).

Step 5. Flip the drawing back over and place it gently onto your coaster (make sure the coaster is completely dry first). Trace around the outline of your image carefully, ensuring you don’t press down too hard.
Step 6. Take the tracing paper away and you will be left with a fine imprint of your desired image.

Steps 7 & 8.  Using the colours of the original image as inspiration, take a selection of permanent markers and colour in your image.  (Of course you can paint it if you like, however I found that permanent markers were much quicker and easier to use.)

Step 9. Set aside to dry for about five minutes and then add 1 to 2 thin coats of Mod Podge to seal the image. Use the mod podge sparingly and try to work in the coloured area and then the white area to avoid the marker running. Once dry, your vintage inspired coasters are ready to use.  

Make them in different colours or add names or initials for a personal touch.  Set your table with a vintage twist and you are ready for your next retro inspired dinner party.

Thanks so much to Stef and Erin for having me today! You can pop over to my blog, Her Library Adventures to check out more fun and simple DIYs for you and your home. 

Much Love

footnote: Thanks Sophie for sharing this cute DIY project with us! We can't wait to try it when we get back from holidays! Sophie is a great friend of ours, who lives on the other side of the world in Australia, who we met through the lovely blog world! She also has a really fantastic blog that you should definitely check out:
XO, Stef & Erin

Friday, March 30, 2012

If you like Mad Men...

Then you will love...
The Apartment (1960) stars Shirley MacLaine, Jack Lemmon, & Fred MacMurray and focuses around the interoffice politics and relationships that take place during (and after) work hours. The men are very Don Draper-esque and the women are secretaries that give us a Joan or Peggy vibe. You can seriously see where the makers of Mad Men got their inspiration from!

The film is set in 1959 and takes place in a massive office building with tons of mid-century furniture to drool over. Now if only it was in color so we could see what that couch and those chairs really looked like...

Both leading ladies are cute as buttons! We especially love Shirley  MacLaine 's adorable pixie cut!

The movie is packed full of drama, romance, and laughs, so if you haven't already seen it, we highly recommend it! The Mad Men fanatic inside of you will thank us.

all images were taken as screen shots from the film.

Open Access Journal: Dil ve Edebiyat Eğitimi Dergisi - Journal of Language and Literature Education (JLLE)

Dil ve Edebiyat Eğitimi Dergisi - Journal of Language and Literature Education (JLLE)
ISSN: 2146-6971
JLLE is a scholarly international journal focusing on theory, research, and developments in language and literature education. Language education, literature education, second language education, linguistics, and bilingualism are the topics within the scope of the journal. JLLE welcomes original and not-published-elsewhere works. Manuscripts to be submitted must be in English or in Turkish and conform to the standards put forward in the Publication Manual of American Psychological Association. All submissions must be sent online. No hard copy submission papers will be accepted.
Types of contributions are original theoretical works, research reports, literature reviews, software and book reviews. Because this is an electronic journal, the length of papers may vary. The length of your paper should be appropriate to the topic and focus.
All submissions will be first reviewed and assessed by the Editorial Board in terms of subject matter, contents, suitable presentation and accordance with spelling rules. The manuscripts which are found suitable and acceptable by the mentioned boards will be submitted for scientific assessment to referees. Authors are responsible for opinions expressed in the articles.
Dil ve edebiyat eğitimi bireylerin duygusal ve düşünsel gelişimleriyle birlikte, ana dillerini doğru ve güzel kullanmalarını, yaşadıkları toplumun kültürel ve estetik değerlerini içselleştirmelerini sağlayan önemli bir alandır. Günümüzde ana dili eğitimi yanında başka dillerin öğretimi de eğitim programlarında en çok üzerinde durulan öğretimsel işlerin başında gelmektedir. Hem ana dili eğitiminde hem de yabancı bir dil öğretiminde, yeni paradigmalar bağlamında çağın önünde bilimsel bilgiler üretilmesi gelecekte ortaya çıkacak olan sorunların çözümünü kolaylaştırır.

Gerek ana dili eğitiminde gerekse yabancı dil öğretiminde karşılaşılan sorunlara hem dil bilimcilerin hem de eğitim bilimcilerin ortak çözüm önerileri geliştirmeleri, ortaya çıkan bu yeni fikirleri aynı platformlarda paylaşmaları bilginin kalıcı, etkili ve çoğulcu bir anlayışla üretildiği anlamına gelir. Dolayısıyla Dil ve Edebiyat Eğitimi dergisinde genelde dil ve edebiyat eğitimini, özelde ise her dilin eğitim ve öğretiminde karşılaşılan sorunlara yönelik konuları kapsamaktadır. Her ne kadar her dil ve edebiyatın kendine has özellikleri olsa da insanların ortak dil öğrenme donanımlarına sahip olmaları, dil ediniminde, benzer bilişsel, duyuşsal ve devinişsel davranışlar göstermeleri dil öğretimi sorunlarının birlikte ele alınmasını gerektirir.