Monday, March 26, 2012

...and we're OFF!

Yay!!! We are in the air as we speak flying from Winnipeg to Vancouver, Vancouver to Hong Kong, and finally from Hong Kong to Bangkok! Yes! Yes! Yes! Good bye North America, Hello Asia!!!

During our 3 week stay in Asia we will be traveling to Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and Bali! Erin and Derek have been to all of these places before, but this is all new territory for Emery and I (well, except Bangkok for me) and we can't WAIT! We are so so excited to shop in the street markets, eat delicious Thai food, explore new cities, enjoy the heat and lie on the beach! Over the next couple of weeks you can expect little updates of our travels, and there will definitely be plenty of photos taken!

To all of our friends and family - we will miss you guys and see you all in just over 3 weeks!!! Woo!

Lots of love,
Stef & Erin

photo sources:

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