Monday, May 4, 2009

Draped Up and Dripped Out!

Before the rain on Drill Sargent.

Well, I just returned from Leavenworth. I left this morning with my usual compadres Dom and Laura. We arrived around 11:30, pitched the tent at the free camping and made it to Forestland in time for a little warm up session. Unfortunately that was pretty much all we got done. With the exception of Dom climbing like a mad man. I think he knew what was about to happen to our little trip but he finally sent his project The Shield in high fashion, second go of the day. We futzed about on Bedroom Bully before manning up and trying Busted. Dom topped it out from the stand a few times and then with no hesitation fired the sit! His second V.8!! Nice one Dom, it was good to see someone sending. We had met up with a friend of mine from TESC named Gregg and after the send we showed him around the upper Forestland. He did well to flash Sunny and Steep and before you knew it the clouds that had become threateningly large actually followed through and started to spit on us. We gave Gregg a farewell at the parking lot and made it back to the camping site in time to pack up our things and say farewell to our friend Whitey(kinda the reason we made this trip in the first place). Heartbroken and a little confused we didn't give up just yet. Even though it was pouring we kicked around the Swiftwater cave for a while unlocking the beta to the far right line. Dom pulled out another send but was not able to top this one out because of the rain so will have to come back for the official send but he did well to wrap up the short day trip to Leavenworth. Damn you rain!!

The Shit Cave(I mean the Shist Cave)

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