Friday, May 24, 2013

Islamkundliche Untersuchungen Digital at MENADoc

[First posted in AMIR 5 January 2011. Updated 24 May 2013]

The series Islamkundliche Untersuchungen which is published by the Klaus Schwarz Verlag since 1970 is one of the outstanding publications of Islamic studies in Germany. Klaus Schwarz Verlag and Universitaets- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt in Halle plan to publish digital versions of titles that are no longer available in print in the electronic fulltext repository MENAdoc of the Middle East Virtual Library MENALIB in the future. 10 titles have been digitised in April 2009 and are being made available in a first step towards a more comprehensive presentation of Islamkundliche Untersuchungen on the WWW.
List of digitized Documents ››
 196 volumes of the series are currently available

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