Thursday, August 11, 2011

Partially Open Access Journal: Majallat al-akâdîmiyya al-'arabiyya al-maftûha fid-Danmark - The Scientific Journal of Arab Open Academy in Denmark

Majallat al-akâdîmiyya al-'arabiyya al-maftûha fid-Danmark - The Scientific Journal of Arab Open Academy in Denmark

Journal of "The Arab Academy in Denmark" - ISSN: 1902-8458

Open access publications of the Academy include lectures and separate articles.

"The mission of the Arab Open Academy in Denmark (AOA) is to develop scientific research, enrich human knowledge and accelerate the comprehensive, social and economic transformations of our society through the academic studies offered and the training of highly specialized personnel in basic and applied fields, who can implement the comprehensive development plans in our country, Iraq and in the Arab World. The studies and programs are oriented towards providing services and consultation to the public and the private sectors and to explore scientifically solutions to our problems. The AOA aims at promoting an open system of higher education that provides opportunities for professional development and lifelong learning."
Nrs. 7-8 (2007) PDF

No. 3 (title) - Word

No. 2 (title) - Word

Alphabetical List of Open Access Journals in Middle Eastern Studies

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