Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Open Access Journal: Pakistan Journal of Library & Information Science

Pakistan Journal of Library & Information Science
ISSN: 1680-4465
The Department of Library and Information Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore publishes “Pakistan Journal of Library and Information Science [PJLIS]” on annual basis. The PJLIS is a refereed scholarly journal committed to publish original and scholarly critiques, theoretical, conceptual and research articles that contribute to the understanding of issues and problems in all areas of librarianship and information services at local, national and international level.

The journal, however, prefers to publish articles reporting the research studies reflecting Pakistani perspective. All research papers submitted to the PJLIS are double-blind peer reviewed by a panel of reviewers.

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Prosopography: as-Safadî

The Biographical Lexicon by as-Safadî

online at the MENAdoc repository (ed. Oriental Institute of the German Oriental Society, Beirut; series Bibliotheca Islamica)

downloads from the internet archive (another edition)



Roundworms live in the intestines of dogs and cats. They pass their eggs into the feces. These tiny eggs can survive in the soil for months.

You might not see any dog or cat plop on the ground on which you walk, but potentially you are picking up Roundworm eggs on your shoes.

If you allow shoes in your house, Roundworm eggs may be introduced onto the same floor on which your children play. It just takes your child one mouth to hand contact for her to become infected. Potentially she could develope lung problems as a result of infection.

Just take your shoes off and ask others to do the same. It's not rocket science.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Meta: SPARC introduces Open-access Journal Publishing Resource Index

SPARC introduces Open-access Journal Publishing Resource Index
New resource helps streamline launch and operation of open-access

For immediate release
May 26, 2011

For more information, contact:
Jennifer McLennan
(202) 296-2296
jennifer [at] arl [dot] org

Washington, D.C. – SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) today released a free online Open Access Journal Publishing Resource Index with information and documents to support the launch and operation of an open-access journal. Materials in the index will help libraries, presses, and other academic units on campuses as they work together to make the work of their researchers more widely available.

This new resource is launched in conjunction with the SPARC Campus-based Publishing Resource Center (http://www.arl.org/sparc/partnering), which delivers a guide to critical issues in campus-based publishing partnerships, case studies, a bibliography and resource list, an index of collaborative initiatives (operated in partnership with Columbia University Libraries), and access to the LIBPRESS online discussion forum (operated by the University of California). The Center is overseen by an editorial board representing library and university press staff who are actively engaged in creating and managing publishing partnerships.

The new index complements the rich existing resource center by pointing to relevant sections in existing open-access journal publishing guides and to sample journal proposals, policies, bylaws, and other documentation to help with planning, development, and collaboration issues. Topics covered include:
• New Journal Planning
• Journal Publishing Program Policies
• Governance
• Editorial
• Marketing & Promotion
• Technical Platforms
• Sustainability Planning

Relevant sections of existing open-access publishing guides, including those by David Solomon, Carol Sutton, Kevin Stranack, Jan Velterop, Howard Goldstein and Raym Crow, and others are indicated under each topic area.

By highlighting samples and best practices, the index will help give campuses the tools they need to develop and maintain long-term, successful open-access publishing ventures. “As campus-based publishing gets more ambitious in scope, it’s important to build on the successes and challenges of earlier initiatives and adopt best practices,” said Raym Crow, senior consultant at SPARC. “Ultimately, campus-based publishing can offer universities greater control over the intellectual products they help create. SPARC is pleased to provide another tool to support libraries and publishers in sustainable, professional, open-access publishing.”

Lee C. Van Orsdel, Dean of University Libraries at Grand Valley State University, says faculty are beginning to consult librarians for advice on journal publishing options, including open-access models, and the SPARC site is a welcome resource. “We’re deepening our knowledge as quickly as possible, but it's a whole new area of expertise for most of us,” she said. “It will save us time and increase the probability that we can get to the right solution when advising our faculty on their best options.”
The editorial board invites contributions from other campuses to help build this resource and expand the bibliography – especially with primary research papers on collaboration issues. “SPARC hopes this will seed an effort where people will give documents to share, making it a community hub,” said Crow. Members of the board and how to contact the managing editor with suggestions are detailed on the Center home page.

The Open Access Journal Publishing Resource Index is available online at http://www.arl.org/sparc/partnering.
SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition), with SPARC Europe and SPARC Japan, is an international alliance of more than 800 academic and research libraries working to create a more open system of scholarly communication. SPARC’s advocacy, educational and publisher partnership programs encourage expanded dissemination of research.

Open Access Journal: The oriental annual: containing a series of tales, legends, & historical romances

The oriental annual: containing a series of tales, legends, & historical romances

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Open Access Journal: L'Afrique explorée et civilisée

L'Afrique explorée et civilisée
Volumes transparent image layout purposes Period of publication transparent image layout purposes Title
Available Volume 1
L'Afrique explorée et civilisée : journal mensuel
Available Volume 2
L'Afrique explorée et civilisée : journal mensuel
Available Volume 3
L'Afrique explorée et civilisée : journal mensuel
Available Volume 4
L'Afrique explorée et civilisée : journal mensuel
Available Volume 5
L'Afrique explorée et civilisée : journal mensuel
Available Volume 6
L'Afrique explorée et civilisée : journal mensuel
Available Volume 7
L'Afrique explorée et civilisée : journal mensuel
Available Volume 8
L'Afrique explorée et civilisée : journal mensuel
Available Volume 9
L'Afrique explorée et civilisée : journal mensuel
Available Volume 10
L'Afrique explorée et civilisée : journal mensuel
Available Volume 11
L'Afrique explorée et civilisée : journal mensuel
Available Volume 12
L'Afrique explorée et civilisée : journal mensuel
Available Volume 13
L'Afrique explorée et civilisée : journal mensuel
Available Volume 14
L'Afrique explorée et civilisée : journal mensuel
Available Volume 15
L'Afrique explorée et civilisée : journal mensuel

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Open Access Journal: Cahiers d’Études du Religieux - Recherches interdisciplinaires

Cahiers d’Études du Religieux - Recherches interdisciplinaires

hat tip to AWOL

Les Cahiers d’Études du Religieux - Recherches interdisciplinaires (CER-RI - ISSN 1760-5776) sont l’émanation des activités du Centre interdisciplinaire d’Études du Religieux (CIER) au sein de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Montpellier (MSH-M). Ils diffusent, dans des numéros thématiques, les communications présentées lors des différents séminaires.

See the full Alphabetical List of Open Access Journals in Middle Eastern Studies

New Open Access Journal: Awraq

Awraq. Revista de análisis y pensamiento sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo
Awraq. Revista de análisis y pensamiento sobre el mundo árabe e islámico es una revista dedicada al análisis crítico y al pensamiento sobre el mundo contemporáneo árabe e islámico

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Online Qur'an Resources

Online Qur'an Resources
The Qur'an is the central text of Islamic ritual and belief, expanding at myriad levels in everyday life, national reflection, and transnational exchange for most of the one billion plus Muslims. Yet it remains a closed book to most non-Muslims or to anyone not familiar with the grammatical structure and semantics of the Arabic language.

Given the religious overtones of the current "war on terrorism," Islam's holy book needs to be taught to American students in a way that both stresses the multiple interpretations among Muslims and the view from a secular but respectful non-Muslim stance. This site provides access to a variety of viewpoints, Muslim and non-Muslim, on the Quran.

The following webpages were constructed for an online virtual seminar conducted in 2002-2003 by Bruce Lawrence and Daniel Varisco as a pilot project of the SSRC. Since then it has been updated annually. Anyone wishing to help keep this project going, please contact the webshaykh.

These sites are provided as a resource base for scholars, students and the public. This is not an endorsement of the content of any specific site. If you have comments or note any problems, please contact the webshaykh, Daniel Martin Varisco.

The Qur'an
Interpreting the Qur'an
Reciting the Qur'an
Translating the Qur'an

Qur'an, Jihad and Justice
Science and the Qur'an
Attacking the Qur'an

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Open Access Journal: al-Kashkûl al-musawwar (1925-1930)

al-Kashkûl al-musawwar

Egyptian politics, literature, caricature...

(table taken from dahsha)

الكشكول المصور-جريده مصريه-اعداد سنه 1925-ج 1
الكشكول المصور-جريده مصريه-اعداد سنه 1925-ج 2
الكشكول المصور-جريده مصريه-اعداد سنه 1925-ج 3
الكشكول المصور-جريده مصريه-اعداد سنه 1925-ج 4
الكشكول المصور-جريده مصريه-اعداد سنه 1930-ج 1
الكشكول المصور-جريده مصريه-اعداد سنه 1930-ج 2
الكشكول المصور-جريده مصريه-اعداد سنه 1930-ج 3
الكشكول المصور-جريده مصريه-اعداد سنه 1930-ج 4
الكشكول المصور-جريده مصريه-اعداد سنه 1930-ج 5

See the Alphabetical List of Open Access Journals

Flip Flops


Flip flops are definitely my favorite kind of footwear. I expect a lot of people who want shoes-off in their homes like flip flops, as they are easy to put on and off and are minimal enough for people who like being shoeless. The only disadvantage is that in very wet weather, your feet can get muddy and you need to wash them after coming in.

I have mentioned before that the popularity of flip flops and sandals today shows that most people are not embarassed any more about their feet. It seems doubtful that many people would mind being asked to remove their shoes.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chapter 36 - Art of Posters for Films - the Cuban School

Table of Contents:


The Cuban school of Film posters started after the Cuban Revolution of 1959, with the pioneering works of gaphic designers such as, Eduardo Muñoz Bachs, Antonio Perez known as Ñiko, Antonio Fernández Reiboro, René Azcuy Cardenas, and Raul Martinez Gonzales among others. The most important impetus came from the establishment ofEl Instituto Cubano de Arte e Industria Cinematográficos (ICAIC), the Cuban Art Institute of cinematography, by the Cuban revolutionary leadership in 1960. The bold, aesthetically powerful, stunningly balanced compositions, and thought provoking posters are the main features of the Cuban school.

Eduardo Muñoz Bachs

Eduardo Muñoz Bachs was born in Valencia, Spain in 1937. The family moved to France when Eduardo was two years old and after a year relocated to Cuba. His father was a journalist, a teacher and one of the first television producers in Cuban  in the early 1950s. Bachs,  a naturally gifted artist, began to work as a graphic designer at the age of 16,  without ever attending any art school. In 1958, one year before the Cuban Revolution, he was hired as a full time animation artist for the Cuban television.
Zoro, 1976

 Zatoichi challenged! , 1967 

Cría cuervos , 1976

Bach joined the animation department of ICAIC, upon its inception in 1960. His distinguished career as the most prolific ICAIC poster designer was launched by his creation of the first  ICAIC poster: Historias de la Revolución in 1960. Bach spent his entire career at the ICAIC, except  for a brief period between 1962 to 65, when he joined the advertising department of Agencia intercomunicaciones, while continuing to make occasional posters for the ICAIC. 
Having a friendly attitude, and eager to accept and respond rapidly to  various projects he created a large body of work,  that has never been cataloged

Vampiros en la Habana, 1985

The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, 1974

  Gigi, 1958 

 The Lovers of Hiroshima/A Record of Love and Death, 1966

Using powerful compositions enhanced  by a  rich and vibrant pallet of five to six colors together with an elegant  handwritten typography his silkscreen  posters are archetype of an aesthetically potent visual communication. It is estimated that over two thirds of his posters include a handwritten typography, which allowed him to quickly submit a finished model when orders came especially during emergencies. He also worked as graphic designer of children's books. Bachs'  work has been recognized internationally.   In 1968, he won the bronze medal in a children  books' competition in Varna, Bulgaria, as well, in 1986, he won the second prize in an International Competition of book illustrations for Youth, in Japan. But it is also true that many of his posters have a monumental character, quality first showing. During his career,  Bachs has participated in numerous national and international exhibitions  such as Exposición International Graphic Arts (Brno, Tchescoslovaquie), the International Poster Biennale (Warsaw, Poland) and the International Biennial of Lineup (Lahti, Finland). He also won several prestigious awards for his movie posters including, the First International Prize Filmexpo Ottawa in 1972, the First Prize at the International Competition in Paris movie posters and the First Prize at the international film posters in the US, in  1978. He died in Havana on July 22, 2001.

Antonio Perez -- Ñiko

Antonio Perez -- Ñiko, was born in Havana, Cuba in 1941. He studied History of Art at University of Havana, and has taught at Universidad Veracruzanas' José Antonio Echeverría Politechnical Institute, Instituto Superior de Arte de la Habana,  Instituto Superior de Diseno Industrial, and  Gestault School of Design in Xalapa.   Closely associated with ICAIC, since 1968, he has made posters for Cuban and foreign films  as well as revolutionary political posters during the 1960- 70 era. He is currently living in Mexico.

 Che, 1983
De algún tiempo a esta parte
Ñiko is mainly interested in social posters, but he has also created a number of memorable posters for films. He participated in the International Film Poster Exhibition, at Ottawa, in 1972, where he won an Award of Merit. Five years later his works were exhibited in Paris at Centre national d'art et de culture Georuges Pompido. As well, he has exhibited  at  Bienal Internacional del Cartel en Mexico (1989, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998), International Poster Biennale, Warsaw (1994) and Lahti Poster Biennale (1995).

 Frenesi, Poster for Alfred Hitchcock's  Frenzy,1972.

el oscaso de los cheyennes, Poster for John Ford's Cheyenne Autumn, 1964.

Poster for James Whale's Frankenstein


In 1983 Ñiko won National Culture Award of Cuba, and in 1992, he won the second prize, Bienal Internacional del Cartel en Mexico. Other prizes include Special Prize (group) First Contest of Movie Posters, Cannes, 1973; Special Prize (group) Contest of Movie Posters, 1974; Prize of Second International Biennial of Movie Posters, Cannes, 1974; Prize at Second International Biennial of Posters, Mexico, 1974; First Grand Prize  Paris International Festival II, 1976.   He has published the Book of Catalog  (Ñico Carteles, 1998), Expo Jiráfica Catalog, 1999. Expo France Catalog, 1999 and essays about the culture of Veracruz Plastic, 2000. 

Antonio Fernández Reiboro

Antonio Fernández Reiboro was born in Nuevitas, in Camagüey, Cuba in 1935. His parents  Antonio Fernández de la Fuente, the owner of "La Francia", a department store, and Julia Robiro  Varquez  were Spanish emigrants to Cuba.  Antonio began to work as a graphic designer at La Francia, while studying architecture and design at the University of Havana. He worked a as a designer for Flogal Department store an Olivetti in Havana, and during 1960-63, joined as an assistant to the architect Ricardo Porro in the construction of National School of Art in Havana, and in 1963 designs the poster for for the 7th International Congress of Architecture.   In 1964 he joined the ICAIC as poster designer. He designed the Cuban pavilions in the Leipzig Trade Show in 1965, and in Tokyo in 1067. 

Reiboro has been a prolific  poster designer, who was among the first artists  abandoning  Socialist Realism. He has won numerous awards such as  Prix Special Prize at Ottawa international  Film Festival in 1972,    Merit Prize, at  Cannes' XXVII International Film  Festival in 1974, Grand prize  for poster exhibition at Cannes'  XXVIII Internatinal Film Festival,  and Grand Prize at Paris Internatinal Poster Exhibition in 1975.  In 1982, Reiboro migrated to Spain and began to work at the Ministry of culture. He has also directed several films.

René Azcuy Cardenas

Paul René Azcuy Cardenas was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1939.  In 1955, he entered the National School of Fine Arts (Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes), at San Alejandro, Havana -- the oldest and most prestigious fine arts school in Cuba and at the very same year, 1955 he entered for a two years course  at the College of Arts and Crafts in Havana. He also studied at the School of Psychology at the University of Havana. Over the period 1964-83 Cardenas worked as a Graphic Designer for the ICAIC. He has taught at the School of Architecture  at Universidad Metropolitana Xochimilco, Benemérita University of Puebla. Pacific University of Chile, the Higher Institute of Applied Arts
Hungary, the Oriental Institute of Naples in Italy,   Escuela Superior of Graphic Design in Rosario in Argentina,   University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada and Colegio Universitario de Segovia in Spain.
In 1992 he served as a judge of the Second  International  Poster Biennale  at  Mexico, and in 1996 acted as a member of the Organizing Committee for the Fourth International Poster Biennale at Mexico.

Cardenas'  Solo Exhibitions include his 1977 exhibition  ''The hands of Azcuy " at Sala Rubén Martínez Villena,UNEAC  Gallery  , in Havana, and his 1988,''show "René Azcuy Affiches" at the  Maison de L'Amerique Latine, in Paris, France. He has also participated in a number of group shows. Among the awards and honors he has received are:  Poster Prize in 1966. World Chess Olympiad, Havana, 1968 Poster and logo Prize of Cultural Congress in Havana, 1974 Award  from International Film Poster Exhibition in  Ottawa, the 1974 First Prize of the International Film Poster Competition from the Hollywood Report, Los Angeles, the 1984 First Prize Coral of the Sixth  Latin American Competition for Film Posters at the Sixth International Festival of New Latin American Cinema, Havana. Cardenas  works are at many international galleries including the  Center for Cuban Studies in  New York, the George Pompidou Centre in Paris, Library of Congress in  Washington  and the Poster Museum, at Wilanow, Warsaw. 

Throughout his career René Azcuy has focued primarily in black and white compositions. In fact, this has been the hallmark of his artistic expression in a visual communication paradigm. In his posters  René Azcuy is particularly interested in the expression conveyed by hands as well as  the exaggerated facial expression  as the main feature  of his main thematic compositions, which may  include; the open hand, holding hands, fist, and various hand gestures associated with imploring, quarreling, threatening, rage, fear  and a wide range of other human experiences or various expression of silence, suspicion, sadness and so on, which reveal his deep understanding of human drama. 

Raúl Martínez González


Raúl Martínez González, was born in Ciego de Ávila and studied in Havana and at the Art Institute of Chicago. His early works were abstract, but he moved towards figurative design later in his career. After the Cuban Revolution of 1959, Martínez participated in the establishment of the ICAIC. He was influenced by the growing pop-art movement, and used this style in a number of his magazine, book and poster designs. Many of his works carried the themes and iconography of the Cuban revolution, using vibrant colors and comic book themes. In 1966 Martínez began the first of many designs based around the image of national hero José Martí. Works by Raúl Martínez are on exhibit in museums throughout the world. He had a large number of solo and group exhibitions, including  an exhibition of his drawings and designs at the Center of Cuban Studies in New York in 1975. He won the Silver Medal in the  Cuban Painting Exhibition at Tampa University, Florida. Cuba’s National Museum of Fine Arts dedicates a large space in the permanent collections halls to Raúl Martínez.

In the early 1950s, Martínez—along with such artists as Guido Llinás and Tomas Oliva—established the group Los Once (The Eleven), whose members adapted New York School-style Abstract Expressionism in the context of Cuban art. After the success of the Cuban revolution in 1959, Martínez moved to advertisement, and his success  provided him the opportunity to assume the art direction of the literary magazine, Lunes de Revolución. Meanwhile, he continued to produce large abstract paintings. However, with his 1964 "Homage" series, Martínez began to use collage  with a wide array of  images,  including;  furniture, magazine covers, family photos, and everyday objects, fused with the spontaneous aesthetic of the revolutionary graffiti and street art of Havana. 

1968 film poster design for “Lucia;”  was reproduced in the 1970 book The Art of the Revolution,  with a preface by Susan Sontag. As an artistic photographer, he participated in the influential Foto-Mentira exhibition of 1965 and for the Venice Biennale of 1984, he participated with a mural design.  With his 1978 “La Gran Familia,” he began to integrate photography into his art, in which he juxtaposed  the faces of Cuban youth along with their leaders, the mural is now at the permanent collection, of El Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, in Havana. He died in 1995.