Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Getting away.

The infamous Coffee Cup!

Well, since the sky has opened up and God has decided to take a two week long piss all over the Northwest my friends and I headed out to Leavenworth! We had a nice three day trip planned and many a boulder to crush. Well, many a boulder to repeat crushing on anyway. Jimmy and I headed out together on Friday and Dom and Laura met us that night. The free camping was OVERRUN! People were everywhere; but you know what? I kind of like the little community that is born, dies, and is re-born every time I go there. For example, one time we were staying there at the beginning of the summer and out of nowhere this group of climbers comes up with the idea to play a game of whiffle ball. We had a blast and needless to say my team won. Or, this last time we stayed there we ended up sharing our fire with some really nice dudes from Seattle who were there trad climbing and had some great stories to share. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy the comforts and exclusivity provided by the occasional stay at 8 mile (I’ll always love good ole campsite 21), but the free camping is a really great place to cool your dogs and enjoy some good company after a day of granite groping; and it’s FREE!!

Alright folks, I've got some great spirit animals here and they're going like hot cakes!

Who wants to be the 'Praying Mantis'?

Or, the 'Fuzzy Bear'?

Okay, back to my stale story that is now a week and half old. Everyone has no doubt seen the video and it says it all. With the exception of a few noteworthy ‘almost’ sends. You know, you can never judge a trip by a scorecard. Sometimes the almost sends are more impressive than the actual sends (right? Maybe? No? Well, you know what I mean…)

Me making sure the jug on Yoda is still there...

Laura has some definite projects to come back to and finish up. Maybe getting into the gym will give her the power to come back for One Summer, Claim Jumper, and The Lobster? And Dom had a great flash attempt on The Jib falling at the ‘real?’ crux. The first move is hard, but is it really the crux? Anyway, maybe this trip has lit the fire for them to start bouldering again? So many questions.

Laura reaching for the flat jug (which is now gone!) on Claim Jumper (V.4)

Me on the other hand, well, I just couldn’t get off my recent success on the ropes. Instead of spotting I was day dreaming of all the lines at Little si that I finally feel strong enough to do. Instead of getting psyched to try all the gnar boulder problems I have on my tick(wish) list I was pantomiming the moves to Californication. But, in the end I didn’t send anything, nor was I very motivated to try hard on the problems I did get on. However, with that being said I did really enjoy a cool V.4 at the Torture Chamber called the Lobster. The Torture Chamber BTW, is a very odd place. Does someone live there seasonally?

Dom on the Jib (V.8)

Just barely sticking the first hold on the flash!

Working the top out.

In the end, Jimmy was victorious over the Practitioner his first ever 8a, and I was glad to see him send in just two sessions working the rig plus get the whole process on film. I really look forward to filming some more this Fall and hopefully finding my bouldering stride once more. I have many, many, many more problems to complete in Leavenworth and I need to get with it!

Jimmy staring the final move on The Practitioner(V.11)

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