Saturday, July 25, 2009


Working at the hospital is turning me into a weird telly addict who does not own a television. Yesterday, I saw an episode of the soap Hollyoaks on the staff room television.

In this episode there was a south asian family who were wearing shoes in their home. While removing shoes is the norm in countries like Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, I know that some south asians in Britain do keep their shoes on. I visited a Pakistani family who wore shoes in their house (though I did not see the house upstairs, perhaps they did not wear shoes upstairs). Nevertheless, I am not entirely convinced by what I saw in the programe. They had their shoes on the whole time they were onscreen in the episode (at home), both upstairs and downstairs and the lady was wearing boots. Does anybody wear boots indoors?

I think this had more to do with the weird tendency of t.v. drama to always show people with their shoes on.

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